Alkalinity Facts

Did you know?

The human body is made of as much as 70% water.  The quality of that water matters.  The best way to increase that quality is by eating healthy fruits and vegetables.  Alkaline supplements can also raise the quality of your internal ocean by boosting your pH.

Alkaline Benefits

Boosting your pH by increasing your intake of food and drink high in alkalinity may improve:

  • Energy Levels
  • Acid Reflux
  • Memory
  • Blood Pressure
  • Bacterial Infections
  • Joint Pain
  • Blood Sugar Levels
  • Viral Infections
  • Acne
  • And more…

Learn more about the possible benefits

Did You Know?

Did you know that pH means “potential of hydrogen”?  All liquids are either acidic or basic (alkaline).  pH is measured on a scale from 0 (very acidic) to 14 (very basic).  7 is neutral (neither acidic nor basic).

pH of Some Common Things

  • Battery acid: 1
  • Coke: 2.5
  • Vinegar: 3
  • Coffee: 5
  • Milk: 6.6


  • Blood: 7.35 to 7.45
  • Most shampoo: 8
  • Hand soap: 9 to 10
  • CleanShield: 11.2
  • Bleach: 12

Did You Know?

Excess acidity in your diet can lead to chronic inflammation which has been linked to many health conditions such as acne, arthritis, high blood pressure, and much more.  There are a lot of ways to reduce acidity including reducing alcohol, soda, and sugars from your diet, as well as increasing healthy fruits and vegetables.  Drinking alkaline water or an alkaline supplement is another good way.

Did You Know?

Breathing in polluted air can cause a buildup of acidity in the body.  If you live near a freeway, major road, or other heavily trafficked urban area, there’s probably more pollution in your home than you realize.  Candles are also a source of air pollution.  Air filtration systems can be effective at cleaning your air, as can many house plants!

Did You Know?

Excess acidity in your diet can lead to chronic inflammation which has been linked to many health conditions such as acne, arthritis, high blood pressure, and much more.  There are a lot of ways to reduce acidity including reducing alcohol, soda, and sugars from your diet, as well as increasing healthy fruits and vegetables.  Drinking alkaline water or an alkaline supplement is another good way.